Posted by
Geneva Gallander
/ 1:52 AM /
There is a secret to being successful. It is so simple though that when I tell it to you, many of you won't believe me. The key to success is to model the success of others. Now I can almost hear the questions and derision.
Some will ask where to find their strategy to model. And the answer to that is laughably easy. Most of the most successful people in the world have either written books or had books written about them. In any public library you can discover their "secrets." Read books on Onassis, Napolean Hill, Carnegie, Rockefeller if you seek to succeed in business.
Look at Einstein and Ford and the current scientific geniuses if you seek to make new discoveries to enhance societies technology.
You can also check the internet with quick queries on Google. And you can read the magazines in your chosen field to see what is working for others with your particular passion. The information is all there before you. You are not alone on your journey to greatness. All you have to do is model the success of others and take action with persistence, as they did.
Others of you will say that what you are trying to achieve is totally different than what others have done before you. And again I will have to shine the light on that misguided notion. You may be about to invent the newest, most brilliant gizmo to hit the market and yet the steps that you will take will follow the same path that inventors or business entrepreneurs have taken before you.
Yes, many of the marketing techniques today differ in delivery method than they did before, as does the technology available for any type of advancement, but the principles are all the same. Whether you are placing an ad in the paper or using twitter as your method of getting the message across, the key to turning your audience into actual sales is the same. Focus on your customer and give them above and beyond their expectations. Look at their needs and over deliver when you fill them.
Those who have succeeded before you are not necessarily brighter than you are. Nor are they luckier. What they have is vision, belief, persistence and just enough street smarts to know that they do not have to reinvent the wheel. Take a page from their book and your path to success will suddenly be illuminated.
By Caterina_Christakos
Work at Home Business Opportunity Xtream Global Marketing
Some will ask where to find their strategy to model. And the answer to that is laughably easy. Most of the most successful people in the world have either written books or had books written about them. In any public library you can discover their "secrets." Read books on Onassis, Napolean Hill, Carnegie, Rockefeller if you seek to succeed in business.
Look at Einstein and Ford and the current scientific geniuses if you seek to make new discoveries to enhance societies technology.
You can also check the internet with quick queries on Google. And you can read the magazines in your chosen field to see what is working for others with your particular passion. The information is all there before you. You are not alone on your journey to greatness. All you have to do is model the success of others and take action with persistence, as they did.
Others of you will say that what you are trying to achieve is totally different than what others have done before you. And again I will have to shine the light on that misguided notion. You may be about to invent the newest, most brilliant gizmo to hit the market and yet the steps that you will take will follow the same path that inventors or business entrepreneurs have taken before you.
Yes, many of the marketing techniques today differ in delivery method than they did before, as does the technology available for any type of advancement, but the principles are all the same. Whether you are placing an ad in the paper or using twitter as your method of getting the message across, the key to turning your audience into actual sales is the same. Focus on your customer and give them above and beyond their expectations. Look at their needs and over deliver when you fill them.
Those who have succeeded before you are not necessarily brighter than you are. Nor are they luckier. What they have is vision, belief, persistence and just enough street smarts to know that they do not have to reinvent the wheel. Take a page from their book and your path to success will suddenly be illuminated.
By Caterina_Christakos
Work at Home Business Opportunity Xtream Global Marketing
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