What is prayer really?

Think about it for a moment. Prayer. It is the moment of focusing your energy
( your thoughts, wishes, desires, needs whether for yourself or another).

Sure a lot of people don't see it like that. Most see it as a communication with Deity ( Dear God, Dear Jesus, Dear Goddess, Dear Shiva, etc). If you are religious I'm not going to tell you that praying ISN'T a form of communication or connection with your deity. I would just like to add to it.

I would like to touch base on the power of that focused energy. The Power of Prayer. No, you do not have to be Christian in order to pray and receive any benefits or see any results. Nobody has the monopoly on personal energy ( regardless of what others may say). Praying can help relieve stress and bring a calmness to oneself. Well, I bet many of you already knew that. It's not like THAT's a news flash.

Did you know that prayer can PHYSICALLY affect things?
No I am not talking about making the blind see, calling the autism out of someone or making quadriplegics whole again.
People tend to expect ALOT and fairly QUICKLY. Praying though ( directing your focused energy with an precise intent) has been documented to have an impact ( and of course it has been documented to be hogwash too; of course there are always two sides to any coin).

Prayer does not necessarily have to be a religious thing either. In fact I'm not even batting for it from that view point at all. And yes I am well aware of all the experiments that point to how questionable prayer can be ( that is why I think many people find it mysterious, religious, something questionable, uncomfortable or even a bunch of hooey).

I'm coming from this just from the point of view as describing prayer ( with or without religious intent) as focused energy. Focused energy has been proven to be a real thing, whether we are watching a martial arts master pound his head through four cinder blocks and survive without a scratch or we are watching a laser cut in the detailed facets to a diamond.
So why is it so hard for us to harness and utilize our own energy?

Free Ebook on the Power of  Prayer and how it changes things at the cellular level  when  used  with purpose and intention


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